SMUG Welcomes Eco-Friendly Packaging
The public’s appetite for plastic is on an ever-increasing decline, but nevertheless, 8 million pieces of plastic manages to find their way into our oceans, beaches and landscapes, every single day. The disposable nature of plastic has polluted our planet for far too long, and continues to wreak havoc on the delicate ecosystems that keep our planet alive and breathing.

There is no innocent party in the damage that has already taken place, but in an attempt to educate ourselves, and to move forward with positivity and purpose, SMUG has now fully adopted a 100% plastic-free shipping system. The EcoMailingBagsTM will deliver our products safely and cleanly to our customers around the world, and are produced with entirely sustainably sourced materials.
Our own journey has been one of high environmental conscience, we’ve tried as much as possible to avoid environmentally-damaging styles of material manufacture throughout our collections; and many of our designs have purposely excluded their requirement entirely. So the introduction of eco-friendly packaging, especially in a time of increased online retail, is a welcomed and necessary step in the right direction.
We’d like to encourage all those who receive these plastic-free bags with their Sleep SMUG and SMUG Active deliveries to recycle them as much as possible. They’re fully biodegradable, and could even be added to a compost heap! Together, we can make a positive impact on the environment, and safeguard our world for future generations.