Relax! How to introduce relaxation into your daily routine
Whether we are working too much, dedicating all our time to family or friends or generally living a stressful and busy life it is important to find moments to simply stop and relax.
Easier said than done you may say - as to fully relax, clear the mind and destress takes time that many of us just don't have. But in this fast paced world where constant communication and social media can easily take over our focus at all times of the day and where work deadlines and social pressures can be non stop it has never been more essential to find that time and prioritise personal relaxation.
No longer seen as self indulgence the art of relaxing is becoming as important to our daily wellbeing as nutrition, exercise and a good sleep routine. Whether you choose to invest in daily mindfulness and meditation or just some simple breathing exercises at your desk any technique to unwind and take time for yourself will benefit your overall mood, productivity and general health and wellbeing.
Here are a few simple relaxation activities and techniques to help inject much needed 'time for yourself' in the chaos of the modern world.
* Activities such as reading, watching a movie and taking a long relaxing soak in a bath are all quick easy ways to relax each day. Colouring books are good for taking the mind away from a stressful or worrying situation too.
* Create the right atmosphere - lighting scented candles are a cheap and easy way to make your environment calm and peaceful. Using aromatherapy oils at night, either in the bath or as a massage oil, will transport you to a tranquil space after a hectic day.
* Take time to master some simple breathing exercises - an effective way to relax wherever you are and when time is limited.
* Make the most of being outside and heading back to nature - just a twenty minute walk that takes you away from work and chores each day is a guaranteed mood booster.
* Starting the day with some yoga, even just ten minutes a day, will help with productivity and managing stress levels. Beginner yoga practices can be found on You Tube for a quick way to start.
Many other ways like cooking and baking or gardening to relax can easily be added into your day too ..... the important thing is to find things that you enjoy and by introducing them to your daily routine a sense of calm will ensue.