How to Silence Snoring and Enjoy the Sound of Restful Sleep
The house at night is silent and still, no sound to be heard, all is tranquil and chill. In the moonlight’s glow, it’s a peaceful scene, not a creak, not a peep, just serene and pristine.
But as the night deepens and all seems right, a soft rumbling snore shatters the hush of the night. From a source nearby, the sleeper’s at rest, their snores, like a melody, put the silence to the test.
Whether it’s from a partner or a neighbouring bedroom, those among us who are tasked each and every night to compete against the sirens of snoring know too well what a losing game it can be.
Even after all the best efforts are exhausted and you’re forced to shake the guilty party awake, a few moments later it’s almost bound to continue.
Of course, no one snores on purpose, and the guilty party is usually adamant that it’s no habit of theirs. Snoring is a habit that’s hard to understand, and even harder to control, or is it?
Here today, we can confirm that the snare of snoring has finally met its match, and we’re going to be walking you through just how sleep’s arch nemesis can be quelled once and for all.
Why do we snore?
When a person snores, it’s sometimes hard to believe that the body can generate such a loud sound without waking itself up. As a little recap, we’re going to quickly discuss how this sound came about in the first place.
To put it simply, snoring happens when the muscles and soft tissues of the airways become relaxed. Sleep is all about breathing, and so too is its arch nemesis snoring.
We can think of it a bit like filling up a balloon with air and then letting it go to fly freely around the room as the air escapes. As the rubber of the balloon becomes more lax and the volume of air within it decreases, it makes that fantastic whizzing sound.
By comparison, the same science isn’t quite as fantastic for the peace and tranquillity needed for good quality sleep.
Some snores can shake walls, while others come across as just a slightly exaggerated form of breathing wielding no real disruptive power. People snore differently because of how the source of snoring changes.
There are physical characteristics that can cause someone to snore at night. Things like blocked airways, deviated septums and a naturally narrow throat all have a part to play.
As these features gain age, the loosening of their soft tissue foundations can cause their impact on how snoring develops to become more prominent, and more often than not, louder.
There have been some really interesting studies too that suggest that snoring is in the genes and that the features we’re naturally born with make snoring inevitable.
And then of course there’s a whole list of external factors that are cheering snoring’s corner.
The worst ones are usually much closer to home than you think, like resting the head on a non-breathable pillowcase or sleeping in the wrong position.
Other external factors, like alcohol or smoking, can cause some of the internal factors to become more active than they’d usually be, even if you don’t usually snore.
So there are a lot of things behind snoring that make it happen, and no one needs reminding of how much havoc that can play on sleep.
Can snoring be cured?
Yes, snoring can be improved and even resolved with a few easy tricks and tips that are super simple to integrate into the daily routine.
First, let’s talk about positions. If you’re working with a narrow airway or a general difficulty in breathing, we’d definitely recommend sleeping on your side.
This is because when the body sleeps on its back, the tongue and soft palate of the mouth collapse to the back of the throat and obstruct the airways.
Sleeping on your side prevents this from happening so drastically, and can have a big long-term impact on your nightly snore count.
Don’t forget to support side sleeping and the spine with an extra-plush pillow - more on that here.
Secondly, snoring goes hand-in-hand with the sinuses, as they’re an essential part of the airways - that bunged-up winter flu feeling adds fuel to the fire of snoring.
Because they’re located just under the surface of the face, the sinuses can be easily and quickly cleared to prevent snoring with the help of pressure points.
We recommend using a handy set of Hand Therapy Massage Balls to apply a comfortable level of pressure to the area on either side of the nose, below the eyebrows and across the forehead.
This helps ease the pressure, congestion and inflammation around the sinuses and clears the airways just in time for sleep.
Yet one of the most underrated ways to set back snoring is actually just to stay hydrated, as having a dry throat significantly amplifies the sound of snoring.
Hydration manages the elasticity and tone of the throat and nasal passages and reduces the risk of nighttime irritations and wakeful coughs.
The real nightmare starts when you’re shifted awake by the sudden need to quench your thirst, but can’t locate a full water bottle within the immediate vicinity of your comfortable bed.
This awful experience brings home the message that water and water access are both vital components to treating snoring and of course, to the overall quality of sleep in general.
The best water bottles in this instance are going to be those that can be kept clean, can hold a hefty amount of liquid, and can be easily spotted while being naturally kind to the environment.
We’d always opt for this kind of water bottle over anything. Its highly distinctive and fun collapsable design makes it easier than ever to remember to stay hydrated, while it's also leakproof and PVC-free!
Noisy neighbour
While all of our recommendations so far will remedy snoring for the sleeper, we still need to discuss what do to if you’re on the other side of the bed, or trying to catch a wink in the room next door.
Firstly, open the discussion with the nighttime offender. More often than not, many will be completely unaware of how much they snore, or of the impact of trying to sleep through it.
Together, encourage better sleeping positions that prevent snoring, drink water and bring nasal clearing into the nighttime routine.
To fend off the disturbance from the other side, we wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for these Memory Foam Earplugs to block out the sound, and this award-winning 3D Countoured Blackout Sleep Mask to block out rouge strays of light.
And there are so many more snore-silencing and sleep-serenading tips and tricks for us to share with you, click here to find out more.
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